The museum will be closed to the public during January and February for collection care.

To view the Jewish Experience Exhibit only, please call for a reservation. 860 354


See where your family fits in at the New Milford Historical Society

So much of the process of recording history revolves around ephemera, the little snapshots of everyday life that paint a picture of what living in a time or place were really like. This is why historians and archeologists are so fascinated by attics and middens, they are frozen moments in life. The New Milford Historical Society & Museum collects, preserves and interprets objects and information of historical merit pertaining to the backgrounds of individuals and their way of life and customs in the greater New Milford area. It serves the residents and visitors to New Milford as a source of reliable information and seeks to stimulate interest in the culture and history of New Milford. If you are looking for information about what we hold relating to a relative or for any other genealogical purpose, start your search here. And we'd be happy to assist you further with searching our holdings.

The New Milford Historical Society & Museum has records on over 1800 historical figures from New Milford, to see what types of records we hold, and samples of our photographic holdings, scroll through the list, or start typing a name in the field, below. The shaded area indicates the type of materials we hold, just click on a holding to request more information from the Society.

We do provide directed genealogy services through our records for $25/half hour. Use the form below to make your request!
btw- the first half hour is free for members!

Start your search here, then feel free to contact us about identifying what we hold that relates to your ancestor. Genealogy Services $25/half hour ($20 for members)
Initial preliminary research is free. This is a simple search of a family name or other initial searches of documents or items. This first half hour is strictly for us to identify what we hold that relates to your ancestor.
Before we proceed past that initial review, we will contact you with an estimate of additional hours and a summary of what we hold. We do charge a small fee for creating digital scans of our holdings for you.
Copies 25 cents per copy
Digital scans 50 cents per copy
Members receive five free copies of either format
You can click the PayPal button to pay for the first search, right from your ancestor's name, or contact us for a more complete quote!

# of half hour increments
Your Ancestor's Name
TitleImageGiven NameSurnameBornDiedPhotoDocument
Jump to Last, 17, 16, 15, 14, First
  Henry Thompson Woolley
Lt   Jabez Wooster 1728
  John Wooster 1790 1858
  Peter Wooster 1762 1789
  Grace Worden
  Elmer Worthington
Dr   Amazariah Wright 1776 1838
  Boardman Wright
  George W Wright 1813 1873
  Helen Morton Wright 1904 1981
  James Wright
  Arlene Yaple
Capt   Paul Yates
  Clara Young
  John Young 1822
  Isaac W Zimmer
Jump to Last, 17, 16, 15, 14, First

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